I have a patient who has so many different physical struggles that each session of massage has been quite different as her symptoms can quickly change. She is a tough lady and can handle more than most, but on one particular day she was physically and emotionally spent in a way I hadn't seen before. She reported to me that she was hurting all over and exhausted from not sleeping much for many days.
During our massage, she was venting about feeling irritated toward everyone and said, "I've been the one in charge and busy helping everyone else for years. Now, I just want someone to take care of me while I'm feeling so rough." Knowing that it can be soothing and grounding, I moved down to her feet for the massage, and she noticeably started to relax. Toward the end of our session, I suggested that it would be OK if she wanted to take a little rest. She curled up on her side and was out like a light. Her husband was so happy that she was finally resting and was thankful to learn how to help calm her by using light, warm touch on her feet.
- Submitted by Andy Soltan, Massage Therapist
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