We Depend on You
As a nonprofit agency, we depend on the generosity and partnership of those in our communities to bring the right care at the right time to seriously ill patients and their families.
For more than 40 years, Bluegrass Care Navigators has provided compassionate hospice care to children and adults throughout Kentucky. While hospice care remains at the core of what we do, today we have expanded services that bring comforting care to patients long before their final days.
There are many ways to give. We hope you will choose the one that’s right for you, knowing that every gift will make a significant impact for our patients and their families. Following are the ways you can make a difference!
You can make a gift today via our secure online form. Set up a one-time gift or choose to have your gift recur each month for an even greater impact. Give online now. You can also print this donation form and mail it with your check or credit card information.
A memorial or tribute gift to Bluegrass Care Navigators is a wonderful way to honor your loved one and help other seriously ill patients and their families receive the care they need. Make a gift today.
Do you remember your nurse, social worker or another member of the Bluegrass Hospice Care team who provided care for you and your loved one? Our Grateful Family program provides a unique way for you to let that special clinician, volunteer or any of the team members know how much the assistance they provided meant to you and your family. Send a note of thanks and make a gift in honor of a caregiver.
Would you like to make an ongoing impact for our patients and families? Become a monthly donor. Giving a little each month makes a huge difference. Set up a monthly gift.
Our programs and volunteer teams depend on donations of items such as scarves, blankets, toiletries and many other things to provide comfort and care to our patients and their families. You can donate an item from one of our Wishlist or contact a member of the Philanthropy team to learn more.
By making a transformational gift, you are investing in our vision be the leader in delivering comforting care at the right time to the seriously ill. If you would like to learn more about how your generosity can help bring comfort and peace to those facing serious illness, please contact one of our Philanthropy team members or email us at give@bgcarenav.org.
With a gift of stock or securities, you can help the patients and families cared for by Bluegrass Care Navigators while also realizing benefits for yourself. Contact one of the Philanthropy team members or email us at give@bgcarenav.org to learn more.
A philanthropic partnership with Bluegrass Care Navigators provides businesses and foundations with the opportunity to support care for the seriously ill while demonstrating the organization's commitment to the welfare of those in their community. For more information, contact us at give@bgcarenav.org or call a member of the Philanthropy team.
Many employers offer matching gift programs and will match gifts by their employees to a qualified charity. Ask your employer if they offer a matching gift program. For questions or information, email us at give@bccarenav.org.
Would you like to help ensure that Bluegrass Care Navigators can continue to provide compassionate hospice and palliative care far into the future? A planned gift may be the perfect option. Learn more about personalized, tax-wise opportunities to realize your charitable goals while also supporting your financial goals for you and your loved ones.
Bluegrass Care Navigators participates in various online giving campaigns throughout the year. Consider supporting BCN by adding one or more of these to your giving plan for the year.
Tax Credit Programs:
Endow Kentucky Tax Credit Program: This state-run program is an excellent, tax-wise strategy to support our mission long into the future. By making a gift to our endowment fund through this program, you will be eligible for state tax credits that may be taken against individual income tax, corporate income tax and limited liability entity tax.
At Bluegrass Care Navigators, we depend on the generosity of our community to provide quality care to seriously ill patients and their families. Many of our programs are in need of supplies to use as part of the care plan. Please see our Wishlist items. Your help in providing these much-needed supplies is so appreciated. Thank you!
Items may be dropped off at any of our regional offices. Please be sure to email us at give@bgcarenav.org to let us know that you've purchased an item so we know who to thank for the generous support!
This pediatric palliative care program provides comforting care to infants, children and adolescents with chronic illness in their own homes. Items marked with an asterisk (*) are priority needs.
Caregiving Supplies: Diapers (1-4), Wipes, Chux pads, Toothettes (oral care swabs)
Legacy/Keepsake Making Supplies: The Invisible String book series, modeling clay, inkless fingerprinting pads, white embossing powder, bubble wrap, paints & paintbrushes, Ziploc bags (quart & gallon), baking soda, Elmer’s glue, shaving cream, contact lens solution (with Boric Acid), stencils, markers, gel pens, crayons, fuzzy posters, sticker books, journals, beads and self-adhesive jewels, photo frames (all sizes)
Craft Supplies: Bubble wrap, baking soda, Elmer's glue, gel pens, stencils, fuzzy posters, beads, jewels, and photo frames.
We need supplies for our animal-assisted therapy program to help with training and caring for these furry helpers, and to prepare them to provide therapeutic care to patients.
Some hospice patients need to be cared for in our Hospice Care Centers in an inpatient setting rather than in their own homes. Friends and family members often spend many hours at their loved one's bedside. Our Carts offer items to make their stay more comfortable.
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