Volunteers and staff were trained to provide warm hand pressure and mindful movements. What emerged were stories of profound connection, especially in the moments before a patient's final breath. The volunteers often reported that the patients' relaxation was palpable when they received comforting touch to their hands.
The philosophy was simple but potent: No one should die alone.
BCN created its Integrative Medicine program in 2019 with a clear goal: to enhance and support excellent palliative and end-of-life care for our patients and families by complementing and coordinating conventional medicine and treatments with non-traditional practices. This allows for a fuller, holistic, patient-centered approach to health and wellness, including mental, emotional and physical functioning, plus spiritual, social and community aspects.
Massage therapy is part of the integrative medicine program at Bluegrass Care Navigators and is generously supported by donors. Many patients who have felt isolated have found hope because of this therapy. Massage therapy touches the hearts and souls of individuals, who have discovered newfound strength and resilience through the power of touch.
Our Integrative Medicine program is entirely funded through private support, including grants and philanthropic donations. No BCN patient is ever turned away from receiving Integrative Medicine therapies due to their insurance status, and there is no charge to the patient for these services. Without the dedication and care made possible through the generosity of donors like you, patients would not have enjoyed the same quality of life or dignity in navigating their end-of-life journey.
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