They were headed to a common living area to look at the Christmas decorations. We used the opportunity to engage the patient in singing some of her favorite Christmas songs. Throughout the session, the patient became increasingly alert and engaged, smiling, reporting enjoyment of the music and eventually even singing along as the music began to prompt her memory.
At the end of the visit, the patient’s son noted, “That’s the most engaged I’ve seen her in a long time.” I love witnessing the power of music therapy any time of year, but it feels especially valuable during the holiday season, when making memories with loved ones in hospice often feels more difficult.
Our Integrative Medicine program is entirely funded through private support, including grants and philanthropic donations. No BCN patient is ever turned away from receiving Integrative Medicine therapies due to their insurance status, and there is no charge to the patient for these services. Without the dedication and care made possible through the generosity of donors patients would not have enjoyed the same quality of life or dignity in navigating their end-of-life journeys.
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