So how does a grieving spouse approach this heartwarming day? First, by acknowledging that this day is possibly going to be difficult. Ongoing grief can increase vulnerability, especially if painful feelings are minimized or denied. I'd like to offer a few possible options other than completely ignoring Valentine's Day's.
Allow yourself to have a plan in place. Ask yourself what would help you feel better. You may want to engage in an activity that honors your spouse's memory or recognize your need to self-pamper, or both.
Here are a few options to choose from:
Trust that your grief is normal and will take time to pass. Grief for a spouse is expected to last for two to three years. What may be painful this year, will eventually become more tolerable over time. Your heart and head will finally be able to cope by thinking of comforting memories of your love on Valentine's Days in the future.
Bluegrass Grief Care is a unique and free counseling service of Bluegrass Care Navigators. We provide grief care to anyone in the community who has experienced loss. Learn more about how Bluegrass Grief Care can help you and your family by calling 855.492.0812, or visit our website to discover free grief care offerings in your area.
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